Forward This is the third edition of Living With the Future in Mind, including data available through November 1, 2003....
Introduction: Sustainability and Sustainability Indicators Why sustainability? The terms “sustainability” and “sustainable development” came into widespread use in the 1980s, in international debates over...
16. Higher Education Why do we care? This indicator measures undergraduate enrollment in New Jersey’s colleges and universities as a share of...
17. Awareness of State Government Why do we care? This indicator shows how many survey respondents living in New Jersey knew which party was...
1. Per capita Income Why do we care? Economic well-being is one of the three axes of sustainability and an important part of...
2. Unemployment Why do we care? The unemployment rate measures the number of people actively looking for jobs as a share...
3. Productivity of Labor Why do we care? Productivity measures the value of output relative to the resources used to produce it. It...
4. Share of New Jersey Households Below the Poverty Line Why do we care? Poverty data offer an important way to evaluate New Jersey’s economic well being. In addition...
5. Gross State Product (GSP) Why do we care? The Gross State Product (GSP) measures everything that is bought and sold in the state....
6. Energy Efficiency in the Economy Why do we care? Energy efficiency measures the output of our economy relative to the amount of energy we...